来源:研究中心 作者:张伟君   发表时间:2012-12-07  阅读次数:





      英国瑞典合资的AstraZeneca集团因滥用专利制度和程序(misuse the patent system and the procedure),阻碍或延误其竞争对手进入其用于胃溃疡治疗的普通药品[generic medicine][1](“洛赛克[Losec]”)的市场,构成滥用支配地位,被罚款6000万欧元。[2]



      AstraZeneca公司在 1979年4月3日向欧洲专利局提交了omeprazole的专利申请,该专利在欧洲专利条约的9个成员国获得授权,保护期到1999年4月3日。根据欧共体理事会1992年6月18日关于建立药品补充保护证书的(EEC)No1768/92号条例,在1993-1994年期间,AstraZeneca公司向一系列国家的专利局申请药品补充保护证书。申请药品补充保护证书必须向专利局提供该药品获准首次在市场销售的日期,以确定是否授予该证书或者授予该证书的期限。

      因为一国医药卫生管理部门对一个药品首先颁发一个在技术上允许销售的授权(technical market authorisation),然后还要对其销售价格予以核准,根据,欧共体指令65/65/EEC,获准首次在市场销售的日期一般来说就是指在技术上允许销售的授权签发之日。但是,AstraZeneca公司在申请上述药品补充保护证时,隐瞒了两个获得技术上授权的日期(1988年1月1日之前的),以两个较后的日期(1988年1月1日之后的,该公司所称的“有效销售日期[effective marketing date]”)来代替。

      通过这种误导性的陈述(misleading representation),AstraZeneca公司成功地在德国、芬兰、挪威获得了SPC保护(实际上不能获得),在奥地利、比利时、荷兰和卢森堡获得了更长时间的SPC保护(实际上没能这样长)。这种误导行为的目的在于排除他人在相关市场中的竞争,阻碍至少是延迟了他人进入普通药品的市场,构成第82条意义上的滥用。[5]


[1] 普通药品,是指已经失去专利保护的药品。笔者注。

[2] 欧共体委员会新闻公报:Competition: Commission fines AstraZeneca €60 million for misusing patent system to delay market entry of competing generic drugs ,IP/05/737,Brussels, 15th June 2005。


[4] 关于补充保护证书SPCs,参见http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Supplementary_protection_certificates。欧共体的补充保护证书实质上是对药品、植物的专利保护期限的延长。就药品专利而言,由于在一个新药品专利提出申请和政府授权该药品进行市场销售之间,会有一段很长的时间。这使得专利的有效保护期间就会不足20年,因此不足以弥补药品研发中的投入。为此,对于获准进入市场销售的受专利保护的药品,欧共体理事会1992年制定关于药品补充保护证书的条例,规定该证书的最长期限是5年,而专利权人就该专利药品可以获得的市场独占权最多不能超过15年。这就是说:如果从提出专利申请到首次获得市场销售授权之间时间不超过5年的,不能授予SPCs,因为专利权人这时仍然有15年以上的专利保护;如果从提出专利申请到首次获得市场销售授权之间时间在5年以上10年以下的,授予SPCs的期间是上述已经消逝的时间减去5年(实际上是不到5年的期间),这样专利权人实际上依然可以享有15年的保护;如果从提出专利申请到首次获得市场销售授权之间时间在10年以上的,授予SPCs的期间是5年,这样专利权人起码还可以享受5年以上15年以下的专利保护。另外,在不同的欧共体国家可获取SPCs保护的专利药品的首次销售时间各有不同:在比利时和意大利是针对从1982年1月1日开始获准首次销售的专利药品;在丹麦和德国是针对从1988年1月1日开始获准首次销售的专利药品;其他国家是针对从1985年1月1日开始获准首次销售的专利药品。参见Council Regulation (EEC) No 1768/92 of 18 June 1992 concerning the creation of a supplementary protection certificate for medicinal products,鉴于条款,以及第19条。http://europa.eu.int/eur-lex/lex/LexUriServ/LexUriServ.do?uri=CELEX:31992R1768:EN:HTML从上述规定可以看出,获取补充保护证书的关键是一国政府首次授权该专利药品销售的时间,这个时间决定了能否获得补充保护证书以及补充保护证书的期限。笔者注。

[5] Commission Decision 15 June 2005,Case COPMP/A. 37.507/F3, 第20、143-146、628-630、773段。http://europa.eu.int/comm/competition/antitrust/cases/decisions/37507/prov_version.pdf.

[7] Sophie Lawrance and Pat Treacy,The Commission's AstraZeneca decision: delaying generic entry is an abuse of a dominant position,Journal of Intellectual Property Law & Practice 2005 1(1):7-9。http://jiplp.oxfordjournals.org/cgi/reprint/1/1/7.pdf

[8] 在美国有许多类似的判例,关于美国与欧盟的比较,可以参见Jacques-Philippe Gunther & Charlotte Breuvart. MISUSE OF PATENT AND DRUG REGULATORY APPROVAL SYSTEMS IN THE PHARMACEUTICALINDUSTRY: AN ANALYSIS OF US AND EU CONVERGING APPROACHES, European Competition Law Review, 2005, 26(12), 669-684.


Court of Justice of the European Union
Luxembourg, 6 December 2012
Press and Information
Judgment in Case C-457/10 P
AstraZeneca v Commission

The Court dismisses the appeal of the AstraZeneca group, which abused its dominant position by preventing the marketing of generic products replicating Losec

AstraZeneca AB and AstraZeneca plc belong to a pharmaceutical group (‘AZ’) which is active worldwide in the sector of the invention, development and marketing of pharmaceutical products. One of the main products marketed by AZ is known as ‘Losec’ (a treatment for ulcers).
By decision of 15 June 20051, the Commission imposed a fine of €60 million on those companies for having committed two abuses of a dominant position.

First, the Commission found that AZ had made deliberately misleading representations to the patent offices of certain Member States. Those representations sought to obtain or maintain supplementary protection certificates2 for Losec, granting an extension of the protection under the patent, to which AZ was not entitled or to which it was entitled for a shorter duration, in order to keep manufacturers of generic products away from the market.

Secondly, AZ was penalised for having submitted requests for deregistration of the marketing authorisations for Losec capsules in Denmark, Sweden and Norway in order to delay or make more difficult the marketing of generic medicinal products, and to prevent parallel imports of Losec.

AstraZeneca plc and AstraZeneca AB brought an action before the General Court for annulment of the Commission’s decision.

By a judgment of 1 July 20103, the General Court rejected most of the arguments put forward by AZ. However, it annulled in part the Commission’s decision so far as concerns the finding of the second abuse. The General Court held that, although the Commission had proved that the deregistration of the marketing authorisations for Losec capsules in Denmark, Sweden and Norway were such as to delay the entry to the market of generic medicinal products in those three countries and, furthermore, to prevent parallel imports of Losec in Sweden, the Commission had not proved that that latter effect had been produced in Denmark and in Norway. The General Court therefore reduced the amount of the fine imposed jointly and severally on AstraZeneca AB and AstraZeneca plc to €40.25 million and fixed the fine imposed on AstraZeneca AB at €12.25 million.

AstraZeneca AB and AstraZeneca plc lodged an appeal before the Court of Justice to have that judgment of the General Court set aside.

1 Commission Decision C (2005) 1757 final of 15 June 2005 relating to a proceeding under Article 82 [EC] and Article 54 of the EEA Agreement (Case COMP/A.37.507/F3 – AstraZeneca)

2 A supplementary protection certificate may be obtained by the holder of a national or European patent. Its purpose is to extend the protection conferred by that patent for an additional maximum period of five years so that the holder will have the benefit of a maximum period of 15 years of exclusivity from the first marketing authorisation (which is itself issued for a period of 10 years).

3 Case T-321/05 AstraZeneca v Commission, see also Press Release No 67/10.

By today’s judgment, the Court rejects the arguments advanced by the two companies, concerning, inter alia, errors of law allegedly made by the General Court in respect of the assessment of two abuses and the determination of the amount of the fines.

As regards, in particular, the first abuse of a dominant position concerning supplementary protection certificates, the Court observes that EU law prohibits a dominant undertaking from eliminating a competitor and thereby strengthening its position by using methods other than those which come within the scope of competition on the merits.

The Court concludes on this issue that the General Court was fully entitled to hold that AZ’s consistent and linear conduct, which was characterised by the notification to the patent offices of misleading representations and the lack of transparency by which AZ deliberately attempted to lead the patent offices and judicial authorities into error in order to keep for as long as possible its monopoly on the medicinal products market, was a breach of competition on the merits and therefore an abuse of a dominant position.

So far as concerns the second abuse of a dominant position, the Court has held that the deregistration of the marketing authorisations, without objective justification and after the expiry of the exclusive right granted by EU law, with the aim of hindering the introduction of generic products and parallel imports, also does not come within the scope of competition on the merits.

In respect of the fine imposed on the companies, the Court is of the opinion that the General Court did not err in law in concluding, inter alia, that, in the absence of mitigating circumstances or special circumstances, the abuses must be characterised as serious infringements, and consequently the amount of the fine cannot be reduced for those reasons.


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