来源:研究中心 作者:张伟君   发表时间:2012-04-23  阅读次数:



根据1909年《版权法》第1(e)条的规定,公众可以免费进入的场所,投币点唱机对作品的表演却不被视为“为营利目的的公开表演”,这被称为“投币点唱机例外”(Jukebox Exception)。



关于Jukebox Exception,参见我的博文:



§ 106 · Exclusive rights in copyrighted works

Subject to sections 107 through 122, the owner of copyright under this title has the exclusive rights to do and to authorize any of the following:

(4) in the case of literary, musical, dramatic, and choreographic works, pantomimes, and motion pictures and other audiovisual works, to perform the copyrighted work publicly;

(6) in the case of sound recordings, to perform the copyrighted work publicly by means of a digital audio transmission.

To “perform” a work means to recite, render, play, dance, or act it, either directlyor by means of any device or process or, in the case of a motion picture or other audiovisual work, to show its images in any sequence or to make the sounds accompanying it audible.

To perform or display a work “publicly” means—

(1) to perform or display it at a place open to the public or at any place where a substantial number of persons outside of a normal circle of a family and its social acquaintances is gathered; or

(2) to transmit or otherwise communicate a performance or display of the work toa place specified by clause (1) or to the public, by means of any device or process, whether the members of the public capable of receiving the performance or display receive it in the same place or in separate placesand at the same time or at different times.

一、 文学艺术作品的表演权【信息主要摘自黄海峰:知识产权的话语与现实】

美国1790年版权法仅仅赋予作者对图书的复制权利:the exclusive right to multiply the copies,以控制对图书的印刷、翻印和进口,但对翻译、改编、表演都不加以限制;甚至还允许印行外国人的作品。




19世纪末、20世纪初,随着自动钢琴(mechanical player piano)和唱片机的出现和流行,音乐作品的载体开始以乐卷(music roll)和唱片(phonograph record)的形式为大众所欢迎。

1909年版权法将公开表演权扩大到了音乐作品,但限于营利性的公开表演,规定了非营利性场所的“投币点唱机例外”(Jukebox Exception)——这个似乎已经表明:在营利性场所的机械表演,未经许可是属于侵权。





二、 录音制品的表演权

为了制止对录音制品的盗版,1971年的美国《录音制品法案》给予录音制品以版权保护,但是录音制品的版权人(录制者)并没有获得完整的版权,只享有复制(reproduction)、发行(distribution)、改编(adaptation)的权利,并没有获得公开表演(public performance)的权利[1]

随着数字传播(digital-audio transmission)[2]录音制品成为一种普遍的现象,对传统的音乐录音制品的销售构成了威胁,美国国会于1995年制定了《录音制品数字表演权法案》,授予录音制作者有限的“向公众表演权”,即通过数字传播的方式公开表演作品的权利[3]


音乐作品的公开表演不适用强制许可不同,对于录音制品的这个“向公众表演权”,该法案以及1998年的数字千年版权法案还规定了在一些不属于“交互式服务(interactive service)”的传播的法定许可(statutory licensing)制度。

[1] 参见美国Senate Report 104-128 - DIGITAL PERFORMANCE RIGHT IN SOUND RECORDINGS ACT OF 1995,104th Congress,1st session。http://thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/cpquery/?&dbname=cp104&sid=cp1040xAG5&refer=&r_n=sr128.104&item=&sel=TOC_43325&

[2] 根据17 USC 101 (6),A "digital transmission" is a transmission in whole or in part in a digital or other non-analog format. A "digital audio transmission" is a digital transmission as defined in section 101, that embodies the transmission of a sound recording. This term does not include the transmission of any audiovisual work. 参见17 USC 114(j)(5).

[3] 17 USC 106(6). in the case of sound recordings, to perform the copyrighted work publicly by means of a digital audio transmission.

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